Hey I made a new page just for my band and bass updates.
Ah hell... you know I play bass... if ya didn't... now ya do... I've got me a band so it's all good... the names Restricted ( I came up with it... yes I'm bragging!) And well... I'm teaching myself how to play the bass... BY MYSELF... WITH NO HELP! CUZ YA'LL SUCK! Cheers... ROCK OUT!
Bass Babe
I just thought that the name bass babe sounded pretty kool so I made the image at flamingtext.com.
The Kreaton
That's me... I play bass... and I can sing too... wow... interesting package!
Erica "Ica" Newhart
That's my big sister Erica... she can play bass and guitar... Her fave color is green and her fave band is Blink 182... we're always arguing over who's sexier... Tom or Mark... I say Mark... Rock Out... love ya Erica